
ー Please tell me where you were born. What was your childhood like there?
I was born near Paris, but I spent most of my childhood in Africa – precisely in Senegal. It was, I think, a happy childhood, with lots of sun and nature. Very different from my Parisian life, and my daughter’s surroundings here in Paris. Probably I have since the love of strong light, even if I dislike the heat that goes with it.

ー It must have been a very valuable experience for you as a child.Could you tell me a little bit about how you first got your start as a photographer, and what your first inspirations were. How was it that you began taking pictures?
I studied in an art school in Strasbourg, but I took illustration as my main course. I began taking pictures actually, in a funny way, to make pranks with a friend. We made a fake magazine and it needed pictures. But after a while, I was hooked, and a few years after graduation, I left comic books for photography. My first clear inspirations were Bernard Plossu and Mark Steinmetz.

ー Mark Steinmetz is also my favorite photographer.So are you self-taught?
I am, I almost never attended a photography class in my art school – I skipped them, thinking it was boring, at that time. What an idiot !

ー What was your motivation for starting photographing Ménilmontant and Belleville?
What is the starting point of this series? When did you decide to work on this topic and why? What was it that interested you in particular?
I was not interested in a topic, still not really am. I think a picture is silent so it’s not really “about” something. I just knew I needed a lot of practice and I focused on daily routines : it is easier to be focusing on everything nearby. Discovering portrait photography along the way, a “portrait” of my neighborhood was natural. Menilmontant and Belleville are very close, it’s almost the same place, and that’s just where I lived. After a while, if you are working enough, any place or anything is ‘interesting’.

ー I respect your attitude because I believe that being too close can actually make it difficult to see the true nature. How much time did you spend there to make this series?
I lived there, and did for a little less than ten years. The books are thus composed of pictures taken around 2012 to 2018, save a couple of later pictures.
私はそこに10年弱住んでいました。したがって、ふたつの本は 2012 年から 2018 年頃に撮影された写真で構成されており、その後にもときどきそこで写真を撮りました。

ー You walk down the street. What action do you take when you feel like taking a photo of someone? How did you approach these people and take them in their intimacy? How will they react then?
You can speak of intimacy in Menilmontant as many people in the books are friends, but mostly – as in Belleville – it’s just people I see when I walk around, and that I want to take a picture of. Simplicity is the key, I just ask if I can make a portrait, and more often than not, they are okay.

ー I think your idea will be helpful to people who take photos on the streets of Tokyo.Please tell us about any memorable episodes from those photographing days. Is there a story that touched you that you still remember?
Maybe two : once, before I decided to become a ‘portrait’ photographer, a man that I often saw at a café asked for a portrait. He had been badly burnt during his childhood, and the picture was revealing his wounds. When I gave him back the portrait, he tore it apart. It certainly taught me that pictures can hurt.
Another time, a man that was so kingly in his manners that I was afraid to ask him for a photograph, asked me for a picture. I took the portrait he asked for, and another one when he was lost in his thoughts, surreptitiously a little later. I gave him the second one and he was so pleased, he said ‘Ah! I look like a lion..’. I was very proud.
もうひとつは、王様的な横柄な態度で私に写真を撮って欲しいと頼んできた男性との逸話です。私は彼が求めていた通りの肖像画を撮りましたが、すこしして彼が物思いにふけっているタイミングに別の写真をこっそり撮りました。 その写真を焼いて彼をプレゼントしたら、とても喜んでくれて、「ああ!まるでライオンみたいですね…』と言ったんです。それを聞いて私は満足しました。

ー That’s an interesting episode. Do you have a particular aesthetic or narrative vision in mind when undertaking your artistic explorations?
No. But I think there’s continuity nonetheless. It’s a matter of taste more than decisions.
ー I see. Can you tell me what is your creative process? なるほど。あなたの創作のプロセスを教えてください。
I don’t have one per se, I just spend a long time somewhere that is close to me, and that I am attracted to. The slow process of taking pictures, processing, printing, and returning, makes layers and layers of work that hopefully reveal something interesting, until I feel that I am done.

ー I feel poetry and music in your photos.
What inspires your photography? Who are the photographers and artists who inspire you?
I’ve spent a lot of time with the work of so many photographers, many Japanese like Issei Suda, Jōji Hashiguchi, Onaka Koji… Some French like Plossu or Faigenbaum, and many Americans like Robert Adams, Rieneke Djikstra, Mark Steinmetz, Judith Joy Ross to name a few. They have all deeply influenced me I guess, and I keep returning to photobooks on a daily basis. But I do believe that literature is the underlying influence of many photographers. Interestingly, I now pay more attention to music (jazz, as I am aging, and again japanese jazz is so good !) and more conceptual or minimalistic art. And painting. I had an intense passion for Cezanne. His description of his method ( “Scrupule, sincérité, soumission. Scrupule devant les idées, sincérité devant soi-même, soumission devant l’objet” – “Scruple, sincerity, submission. Scruple before ideas, sincerity before oneself, submission before the object” ) is certainly fitting for any artist, and photographers specially.
そして絵を描くことです。とくに私はポール・セザンヌに強い関心を持っていました。彼のメソッドに関する説明 、「几帳面、誠実、服従。理念の前に几帳面、自分の前に誠実、目的の前に服従」 – 「Scruple、誠実、服従。アイデアの前に慎重、自分自身の前に誠実、オブジェクトの前に服従』は、確かにどんなアーティストにも、特に写真家にもぴったりだと思います。

ー These are all artists I like, so I really relate to them.I didn’t know Cezanne’s words, but they are certainly richly suggestive. I would like to understand too. Your photographs have beautiful black and white shading. Why did you choose analog and BW film? Also, what format film camera do you use for shooting?
I used all kinds of cameras, a 8×10 right now, mostly with Ilford HP5 film. I choose analog to stay away from computers whenever I have the chance. Many of my decisions are linked to the idea I have of a good life. I’ll choose a night working in a lab over a night working on a computer anytime !
私はあらゆる種類のカメラを使用しましたが、今は 8×10 で、主に Ilford HP5 フィルムを使用しました。機会があるときは常にコンピューターから遠ざけるためにアナログを選択します。私の決断の多くは、良い人生についての私の考えと結びついています。いつでもコンピューターで作業する夜よりも暗室で作業する夜のほうを選びます!

ー Your works feel like they are in dialogue with the city of Paris. There is a very cinematographic side, does that intimacy reflect your own history in your work?
I am not sure I understand the question, but the dialogue is personal. The city of Paris as a whole is way too big of an object to claim, although personnel choices and intimate trajectories always meet social issues and global events.

ー For Japanese people, Paris is one of their dream cities. What kind of city do you think Paris is? 多くの日本人にとってパリは憧れの都市のひとつです。あなたはパリとはどのような街ですか?
A lively city, but certainly not the dream place it seems to be from afar. Yet, once you get to know the place, you can carve your way in and learn to enjoy it.
ー Photographers who lived in Paris and photographed Paris include Atget and Elsken. What do you think inspire photographers in Paris? Also, what do you think about their works?
That was a long time ago ! I don’t think Paris is nearly as much a topic now as it used to be then. I love their work, but I don’t know how much mine relate to theirs – or maybe as great grandfathers.

ー What do you think about your work being exhibited in Japan this time?
I am so glad ! As I said, there are parts of Japanese culture that I deeply love, Japanese photography, or music, but also cinema and literature. I also have a family history. My wife Namiko is french-japanese, and we raise our daughter in a way that she can still relate to this side of her family. So she watches Anpanman or Totoro (she’s nearly 6), speaks japanese at home with her mother and grandmother, and we jump on any occasion to go back to Tokyo, where we have family. So making connections in Japan is important for me : thank you very much for giving me this opportunity and for showing my work !

ー We would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for allowing us to exhibit your works in Tokyo! Modern Japan has traditions such as anime(Japanese cartoons), photography, and movies. Also, like Paris, it has a unique food culture. Please tell us your impressions of the country Japan and its culture.
I think I already replied in part, save for the food. Luckily, there are many good Japanese restaurants in Paris, and also markets where you can find many things to cook at home – but of course it’s nothing compared to eating in Japan !
ー Last question, Are you working on anything right now? Is there anything you are interested in for future projects?
I have finished a body of work of portraits of young people, taken in one of Paris’s main square : Place de la République. The book should be out next year ! As for now, I always have several things going on, but mainly I work on a portrait and landscape project around a polluted highway intersection – Ryuji Miyamoto comes to mind – with a 8×10 camera. It shows a darker side of Paris, and it’s also very close to where I live now. If Place de la République has a hopeful tone, the new work is more on the margins of society and resonates with many social or ecological worries that, I guess, we all have. Yet I’m always trying to picture things with an openness : it’s also a place that attracts me for its unconventional beauty.
That’s the work I am focused on now.
私は最近パリの主要広場の一つでパリ市の3区と10区、11区にまたがるレピュブリック広場で撮影した若者のポートレート作品を完成させました。この本は来年出版されるはずです!今のところ、私は常にいくつかのことを行っていますが、主に、8×10 のカメラを使用して、汚染された高速道路の交差点 – 宮本隆司が思い浮かびます – 周辺のポートレートと風景のプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。パリの暗い側面を表しており、私が今住んでいる場所のすぐ近くでもあります。レピュブリック広場が希望に満ちた雰囲気を持っているとすれば、新作はより社会の片隅にあり、誰もが抱えていると思われる多くの社会的または環境的懸念と共鳴します。しかし、私はいつもオープンに物事を描こうとしています。型破りな美しさに惹かれる場所でもあります。
Thomas Boivin(トマ・ボワヴァン)
写真家。1983年フランス生まれ、ストラスブール高等装飾芸術学校卒業。フランス国立図書館、ヌフリーズ OBC コレクション、バシュロ コレクション、スティヒティング財団、および芸術基金である現代美術財団に作品が収蔵されている。主な出版物にイギリスの出版社Stanley/Barkerより本展に展示されている作品を含む2冊の写真集「Belleville」(2022)と「Ménilmontant」(2023)が刊行されている。

まとめ、インタビュー=加藤孝司 Takashi Kato
- テラススクエアフォトエキシビション Vol.32「Thomas Boivin : Paris, Belleville, Ménilmontant」
- 住所: 千代田区神田錦町3-22 テラススクエア 1F エントランスロビー
- 会期:2024年9月24日(火)ー2025年1月24日(金) / 8:00~20:00(最終日は19:00までとなります)
- 休館日: 土曜・日曜・祝日・年末年始、入場無料
- 主催:テラススクエア | 協賛 住友商事 | 企画 加藤孝司、三浦哲生

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