A walk of a Seeker
「じゃあどこまで歩けばわかるのでしょう」。 老夫はその問いには答えなかったしもう止まっているように見えた。
A walk of a Seeker
What a great distance he’s walked so far. It seemed as if he had already gone far
away or as if he had just started taking steps.
The rain started drying up, and the mixture of dust and mold smelled just the same
as how the smell of nostalgia wafted back at him when he thought of home. The setting sun
lightened the wet asphalt, a cloud of dampness soaked all over his drained body. He was
more than displeased. Instead, the intense light slightly warmed up his sweat-cold body, and
seeing how beautifully water drips from the reflected roadside tree gave him another
comfort. He was a man who gets such satisfaction with those small things. Those were all
that he desired.
He kept walking. As the sun set, it got colder. The scars of frostbites left on his
hands from the winter draw his attention as he scrubs his frozen hands. Though he neither
had a lover to warm up together nor had a friend to talk over the climatic fluctuations like
those old unrepairable clocks, he never thought of himself as miserable.
He still kept walking. When you walk for so long, anyone would want to turn back and
go home to where your loving mother awaits. The moon glared at him. The wall of clouds
like a grey steel covering all over the night sky came towards him. Yet, he never stopped
walking. Even if anything blocks his way, he knows that once it’s past, the past is delusional.
And above all else, he was more afraid to stop walking.
He kept walking more. And an older man with his back bent over strolling in the dim
street lights caught his eye. They share a conversation.
“Hello, old man. You look exhausted. How far have you gone walking?”
”I am not sure as I already stopped counting a while ago but must have walked a great distance, it seems like.” said the old man without looking back.
“What made you walk this long? “
“I may stop walking eventually, but what I have found out was, either way, there was
no way for me to understand.”
“Then how far should I go to find out?” The older man gave him no response and
seemed to have already stopped walking.
He chose to keep walking a little more.
- テラススクエアフォトエキシビションVol.20「池谷陸 RIKU IKEYA A walk of a Seeker」
- 住所: 千代田区神田錦町3-22 テラススクエア 1F エントランスロビー
- 開催日時: 2021年8月23日(月)〜2021年11月20日(金) / 8:00~20:00
- 休館日: 土曜・日曜・祝日 入場無料
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